Finding a replacement for maintaining alumni records using conventional excel sheets will often be the main focus of your institute’s alumni committee. Trust us, you can avoid the complex tasks of navigating spreadsheets by carefully choosing the best alumni management software. With a vast alumni database, they can be a huge asset for colleges and universities and help maintain alumni relations.
Across the world, there are different alumni software with different feature sets. What if you get tricked into buying a price-worthy but not-so-efficient solution? How would you then choose the ideal alumni database software for your needs? Here are eight tips to take into account when selecting the best alumni management software.
Handy tips to select the best alumni management software
1. Data validity management
Colleges and universities collect alumni email addresses but do not keep track of which ones are valid or active. This is often the most difficult challenge for any institution after gathering the data. How will you ensure ideal alumni relations management if you don’t have accurate data, to begin with?
This requires spending money on an alumni management platform with features for data validation. An alumni database software should ultimately help scan data for duplicity and determine whether they are pertinent or not.
2. Centralized alumni database
After the data has been verified, it is time to arrange the information so that it can be accessed when needed. There are numerous alumni database programs on the market that advertise user-friendly platforms for managing alumni.
However, in practice, these platforms can be difficult to use. You should take into account the data organization features of alumni software before making an investment. You must determine the appropriate software by finding the answers to the questions listed below.
If you have the answers to these inquiries, congratulations! You have located the best alumni management software that is best for you.
3. Instant updates
Your work is not finished once the data has been verified and the data chunks have been carefully organized. The upkeep and updating of the available data are what comes next.
The majority of the time, updating alumni data presents difficulties for alumni offices and professionals. The conventional method called for contacting the alumnus by phone or email, asking for updates, and following up with them.
This is tiresome. But if you want to change this and implement more sophisticated methods for maintaining current alumni profiles, you must switch to advanced alumni management software that can make the process incredibly simple and easy, add your alumni to the platform in bulk, send follow-ups to everyone with a single click, allow them to update their profiles on their own, track the progress, and help you connect with them better.
This will allow you to maintain the most recent data changes quickly while saving hundreds of hours.
4. Generation of analytics and reports
To manage your alumni effectively, you must first get to know them. Alumni management helps again.
A versatile alumni platform enables you to keep track of your alumni, their organization, industry, location, and response to your communications, as well as everything else you may need to do so that your alumni relations are highly relevant and engaging.
You can download demographic-based reports from a great alumni platform and evaluate all the analytics based on real-time demographics. By using these insights, you can comprehend and enhance your content strategy and choose what content to change in order to maximize alumni engagement.
5. Easy access to the alumni database
The team from the alumni management office of a school uses the alumni database software the most, by far. The fact that they should be able to easily access the database is therefore extremely important.
Members of the alumni office perform a variety of tasks, including updating and managing data, organizing and promoting alumni events, launching campaigns, and raising money. You should invest in appropriate alumni database software to ensure that their operations related to alumni management run smoothly.
6. Donor management
It takes more than motivation, desire, and an excel spreadsheet to manage donors. To be an effective donor manager, you must use donor management software.
7. Email marketing tools
One of the unavoidable alumni engagement tools is email marketing. All universities must use email marketing tactics to engage alumni in larger, better, and faster ways. And what better way to accomplish this than to invest in an email marketing tool?
Check if the alumni software comes with an email marketing tool that provides you with hundreds of ready-to-use, responsive templates to choose from. These templates attract attention, convey messages, and serve the primary purpose of marketing.
8. Performance analysis tools
Every tool that institutions use to ensure alumni engagement should be tracked in order to determine the results. As a result, a performance analysis tool has emerged as a critical alumni engagement tool requirement for universities. Universities can track and record campaign responses using a performance analyzer. A tool like this also aids in tracking the overall performance of alumni engagement. Using the insights gained, institutions can gain an understanding of what improvements or changes need to be made for effective alumni engagement.
Creatrix Alumni Management Software – All in One Tool
In order to successfully manage alumni without stress, you should invest in software that provides all the features you need. With its cutting-edge alumni database software, Creatrix alumni management software comes with tools you would need to easily build, manage, and expand your alumni databases. Are you interested in learning more about such a diverse platform? Connect with us by clicking here.